Metal Detecting for Jewelry at Sports Fields

P. Vincent | 11:58 PM | 0 comments

The bling is where you find it, but doesn't hurt to look in places where people are active.  If you've played soccer then you know it really is a contact sport plenty of sweating, falling, pushing and holding. Just add in adults who wear jewelry and you've got a mini treasure trove.

There are several large public soccer fields within 5 miles of my home and I try to metal detect at one of them every Monday or Tuesday after the weekend games.

Here are a few keys to successfully finding jewelry at soccer fields:

- Find fields where adult leagues play
- Focus detecting on high contact areas
- Use a discrimination pattern that eliminates ferrous items
- Dig all the pull tab signals (gold rings)
- Dig all the copper penny / dime signals (silver rings or pendants)
- If you have time detect spectator areas and gear/clothes pile areas
- Be patient, I find jewelry at a rate of 1 per every 300 targets
- Games are on Saturdays and Sundays, so detect on Mondays or Tuesdays 

Soccer games are usually a very social activity and expect there to be a lot of trash on the side lines. Fortunately the field of play has less trash in most locations.  The areal map below shows where I have found jewelry with a detector in the last year; these locations coincide with high contact areas.

Soccer field jewelry locations

In general stay patient and learn how your detector identifies gold rings, silver rings, pendants, and bracelets. I used this X-Terra 705 VDI table for general reference. Look for relatively stable signals with sharp returns versus garbled target signals. When you pinpoint you should get a small localized signal.

Here's a sample of the Jewelry I found in the last 6 months or so metal detecting at soccer fields.
Have fun and happy hunting.

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About Cold4Gold:
Just another middle aged guy obsessed with metal detecting and gold prospecting. I spend my extra time skiing, rafting, camping, hiking and biking....really I'll do anything for a little extra time outside.